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Monday, 14 January 2013

Happy New Year

Hello, Happy New Year and Welcome to 2013

New Year brings new resolutions, new beginnings and new hope. You can do your bit and help improve not only your environment, but become better organised and ready to deal with the challenges of this new year. Yes, it is starting to look a little rosier out there and hopefully we will all rise to the challenge.

There are no laurels in life. . . just new challenges”. Katherine Hepburn

Your kitchen is the centre and power base of your home so keep it looking spic and span  and ready for the daily challenge of living.
So lets get on with it !
When cleaning the kitchen always start with the sink.  By keeping it clear and sparkling your sink becomes your kitchen's benchmark for hygiene and tidiness. Just the inspiration needed to keep work tops, fridges, doors, and the cooker tops spick-and-span too. Don’t forget always load the dishwasher immediately so nothing soiled is on view.

Every Day
  • Clean the sink after doing the dishes or loading the dishwasher .
  • Wipe down the hob immediately, and the work tops too.
  • Sweep, or vacuum the floor.
  • Transfer any rubbish to outside bins.

At Least Every Week
  • Mop the floor.
  • Wipe the cabinets, backsplashes, and appliances.
  • Wash the dish rack.
  • Clean and disinfect the inside of the rubbish bin.
Every Month
  • Empty and scrub down the inside of the fridge.
  • Empty and clean the insides of the cutlery drawers.
  • Scrub down the outside of all presses.
  • Clean the extractor hood and filter.

Pristine Home would love to help you with all or any of your home cleaning needs, outside or inside your home, and this will ensure that your home is kept neat and tidy on a regular basis. Please call 01 2897785 or info@pristine.ie  or visit our web site and avail of our many cleaning services to help you and leave you the time for yourself.
Looking forward to hearing from you,