Keeps Small Creatures at Bay
Hi Diana here
I just cannot
believe it is October already, and we are still living with those lovely high
temperatures. Not to dampen your spirits but once the temperature drops then
small creatures will seek the sanctuary and warmth of your home. So how do we
keep then out?
What they seek
is warmth, food and perhaps some place to lay eggs. Knowing this we can arm
ourselves to deter an insect invasion. Yes - cleanliness is the first step, we
need to eliminate any other smaller insects, food crumbs and dark corners for
them to hide.
Start outside
and ensure that the environment close to your house does not harbour the
unwanted Spiders, Daddy Long Legs, Moths or even Mice. Make sure the exterior of your home is free from
leaves, grass clippings, wood piles, or any other notorious spider hangouts.
You can also check all door openings and windowsills to make sure there isn’t
room for spiders to get in that way. Examine doors and windows for tiny
openings and then seal with a draught proof sealer, caulk or even Brillo pads.
Next we need to clean the inside of your home, especially where these
creatures like to hang out, that means dark corners, damp areas, behind
curtains, under beds, sofas and furniture. Regular vacuuming and dusting will
help stop them making a home in yours. Having cleaned your home I suggest you
store food in plastic or strong containers, never leave scraps lying around. Clean
them up and put food rubbish in an outside bin However, this is where we start some of the
methods for deterring spiders, moths, mice and Daddy long legs.
Certain insects and rodents tend to avoid certain smells or noises while
others search out dark damp corners and some are in fact attracted by light.
Spiders do not like citrus (so clean with a little lemon juice) also
mint (leave mint tea bags along window sills) or chestnuts (again leave fresh
chestnuts around the house.
Daddy Long Legs are attracted to other insects and spiders as a food
source so a clean house keeps them away. They also like damp areas, such as
your bathroom and are attracted by light. So obviously close windows when
lights are on and dry up after a shower.
Moths are somewhat different as it is their eggs or larvae that cause
the harm. Clothes moths lay their eggs in your stored away clothing, you might
not find them till next spring when it is too late. Wash and freshen clothes
before they are put away for the winter and only where the cupboard has been
cleaned beforehand. Food moths are
attracted to cereals, flour and grains so keep all these items in sealed
containers and clean up any spillages. Again they are attracted by light but
the common deterrent is lavender, which you can place sachets in the stored
clothing or spray a little lavender oil. Cleanliness and good storage is the
best form of protection.
Hope this is of some help as we face into the late autumn and start to change our homes for winter living.
“Life is hard for insects. And don't think mice are having any fun
Woody Allen
Don’t forget
there is always help to hand especially for the more difficult tasks. We here
at Pristine Home would love to take on the task of cleaning your home and have
it nice and fresh for you. Please see our website and
contact Diana at on 1890 929 988 or
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